Broadcast dates, times and channels:
Saturday, April 2 at 11:00 PM on Cox channel 13, Verizon channel 32, and Full Channel 9 Sunday, April 3 at 8:00 AM on Cox channel 13, Verizon channel 32, and Full Channel 9 Monday, April 4 at 9:00 PM on Cox channel 18, Verizon channel 31, and Full Channel 9 Thursday, April 7 at 9:00 PM on Cox channel 18, Verizon channel 31, and Full Channel 9 Note: Cox channel 21 and Verizon 31 are local broadcast in Kent County only, which includes Coventry; East Greenwich; Exeter; North Kingstown; Warwick; West Warwick; and West Greenwich. For broadcast information on public access television in RI: www.stateofthestateri.com 3-28-2016 Robert J. Healey, Jr. Remembered Guest: Robert J. Healey, Jr., founder-Cool Moose Party Hosts: John Carlevale; Richard August; Ian Lonngren; Carol Mumford Time: 60 minutes Robert Healey died on March 20, 2016. He was also known as the "Cool Moose." Many Rhode Islanders, including myself, had high regard for him as a person and as a political figure. We recognized his great intellect. We appreciated his sense of humor, wit and political satire. We enjoyed his unique political style and persona. Above all, we came to know his kind, gentle and generous manner. Healey worked on many good government issues with many groups and individuals. Following are excerpts from a few of his many appearances on State of the State: 10-9-2014 Robert Healey for Governor 10-9-2010 Candidates for Lt. Governor: Robert Healey & Bob Venturrini 6-24-2010 Make Every Vote Count: Eliminating the Master Lever ![]() Providence, RI -- The RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity believes that every Rhode Islander who strives to work hard should be able to earn enough income to support themselves and their families. The question, of course, is how employment for those at the bottom of the income ladder can meet that productive goal. With the debate on the state minimum wage to resume at today's House Labor Committee hearing on H7285, a bill that would raise the mandated wage to $10.50, the Center recommends that expansion of Rhode Island's Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) as a superior alternative. "Hiking the minimum wage will cost jobs for many of the people it is intended to help. It is anti-family and it is anti-business," commented Mike Stenhouse, CEO for the Center. "Conversely, EITC expansion helps low income families without the risk of job loss and without directly harming small businesses." Per a policy brief it published today, the Center recommends a pro-family solution that enhances family income without risking jobs for poor families: Pass EITC expansion and leave the Rhode Island minimum wage where it is. Wage Hike a win-lose. A past research report by the Center showed that the vast majority of people who would receive a raise under a minimum wage hike are not the low-income, minority, or primary family breadwinners ... as supporters of the hike would like us to believe. Indeed, based on that 2013 report, of minimum wage workers who would receive a raise in the Ocean State:
EITC a win-win. Conversely, expansion of the EITC tends to be an incentive to work more hours, and as opposed to most other public assistance programs, can put families on a path to economic independence, without risking opportunities for work. Union Benefit? The Center also questions the motives of local labor unions, who are ardent supporters of a minimum wage hike. Unlike their stated claims of helping average Rhode Islanders, according to a Wall Street Journal article, many union workers, who already earn far above the minimum wage, have wage rates that are pegged to the national or state minimum wage ... meaning that an increase to the minimum wage may also mean a raise for many of their middle- or high-income members. Labor leaders are encouraged to disclose whether any Rhode Island collective bargaining agreements contain similar provisions. For additional statistical breakdowns and analysis, see the Center's full 2016 minimum wage policy brief . ![]() State House Rally to support removing HPV vaccine mandate. Rhode Islanders against mandated HPV vaccinations (#NOHPVmandateRI) is holding a Rally to support senate bills S2292 & S2295 Thursday March 31st 2016 at 3:15p @ RI State House inside Rotunda RI citizens will be gathering together to support senate bills S2292 & S2295 that will remove the HPV vaccine mandate from the school schedule of vaccinations for admittance to school. These bills will also require the RI Dept. of Health to hold public hearings prior to mandating any future vaccines for school students. Both bills will be heard on Mar 31st by the senate Health and Human Services Committee at the rise of the senate, in the senate lounge on 2nd floor. #NOHPVmandateRI encourages everyone to come out and show support of these bills, and these legislators that heard our requests and took action. Teens and adults are welcome to attend the rally and the hearing to follow. “I am glad that RI parents and citizens spoke up and reached out to their legislators. Together by many efforts combined is how change is possible. Now the bills are scheduled to be heard, and a big part of getting them passed is by showing up and supporting them. This has been a rewarding experience to be a part of, and I will continue to work to see the bills pass.” – Aimee Gardiner, Director of Rhode Islanders against mandated HPV vaccinations. #NOHPVmandateRI strongly recommends that any parent uncomfortable with this vaccine for their children should claim a ‘religious exemption’, which can be executed via a simple form that can be downloaded from the files section of nohpvmandateri.wordpess.com. ![]() "We're looking to get everyone actually involved in the local music scene in the same room and talking to each other so we can make shit happen. Level Exchange is working to partner with the city and we need as much feedback and information as possible to bring to the table. So, the more thoughts, opinions and facts we can get together - the better." Join us! www.facebook.com/events/1548818022077486/ 3/24 @ 6 PM Social Enterprise Greenhouse 10 Davol Sq, Providence, Rhode Island 02903 FREE BEER - provided by our friends at Narragansett Beer ![]() In a letter to Majority Leader Dominick Ruggerio and his colleagues on Tuesday, the Young Democrats of Rhode Island and Students for Sensible Drug Policy thanked the senators for backing legislation that would ‘dramatically enhance Rhode Island’s ability to protect teens, retain graduates, attract young professionals, and create opportunities for a new generation of entrepreneurs’ PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Some of the state’s most prominent millennial-based civic engagement organizations are praising state Senate leaders for supporting legislation that would end marijuana prohibition in Rhode Island and replace it with a system in which marijuana is regulated and taxed similarly to alcohol. In a letter to Majority Leader Dominick Ruggerio and other members of the Senate on Tuesday, leaders of the Young Democrats of Rhode Island and Students for Sensible Drug Policy thanked the senators for backing S 2420 because it would “improve Rhode Island’s ability to protect students, retain graduates, attract young professionals and create opportunities for a new generation of entrepreneurs.”The full letter is available below. S 2420 would make possession of limited amounts of marijuana legal for adults 21 years of age and older, and it would establish a tightly controlled system of licensed marijuana cultivation sites, testing facilities, and retail stores. “It’s a sensible proposal that is long overdue, and we are proud to stand with you in support of it,” the letter reads. “The time has come for Rhode Island to move forward and leave the antiquated policy of marijuana prohibition behind.” A poll conducted in April of 2015 found that nearly three out of four voters aged 18 to 34 support regulating and taxing marijuana similarly to alcohol. The full results of the poll can be found here: http://bit.ly/1IiFCNt Full letter from Rhode Island youth leaders to ranking members of the Rhode Island Senate: Dear Honorable Members of the Rhode Island Senate, We are writing on behalf of our organizations and their many members across Rhode Island to express our gratitude for your support of S 2420, the Marijuana, Regulation, Control, and Taxation Act. The Young Democrats of Rhode Island and Students for Sensible Drug Policy represent a diverse group of young, civically engaged Rhode Islanders who share a commitment to promoting the health, safety, and general welfare of our communities. We strongly support S 2420 because it would dramatically enhance Rhode Island’s ability to protect teens, retain graduates, attract young professionals, and create opportunities for a new generation of entrepreneurs. Our state’s current policy of marijuana prohibition has caused far more problems than it has solved. It has failed to prevent teens from accessing marijuana. It has disproportionately impacted lower-income communities and communities of color. And rather than eliminating the supply of marijuana, prohibition has forced it into an underground market in which consumers aren’t asked for ID, they don’t know what they’re getting, and they’re often exposed to other, more harmful substances. S 2420 would replace our state’s underground marijuana economy with a regulated market for adults. Marijuana would be sold by licensed businesses that test their products, label them, and only sell them to adults who provide proof of age. These companies would also create good jobs for Rhode Islanders and generate tens of millions of dollars in new tax revenue to fund vital state programs and services. It is a sensible proposal that is long overdue, and we are proud to stand with you in support of it. The time has come for Rhode Island to move forward and leave the antiquated policy of marijuana prohibition behind. Sincerely, Michael Beauregard Young Democrats of Rhode Island Shmuel Barkan Brown University Students for Sensible Drug Policy Patrick Shea University of Rhode Island Students for Sensible Drug Policy
Over the weekend, I had the chance to catch up with my old pal Pat "PO Taxpayer" Ford Host of The Coalition on the 5,000 watt WPRO.
Here we talk: Libertarian Politics, Gary Johnson 2016 and the future plans of the Libertarian Party of Rhode Island. ![]() March 16, 2016, Salt Lake City, UT — Libertarian candidate for President Steve Kerbel has announced that he is withdrawing from the race and endorsing Gov. Gary Johnson for the Libertarian nomination. Applauding Kerbel’s campaign and his work on behalf of the Liberty movement, Johnson said, “The Libertarian Party’s nomination process should be — and is — a competitive and open one. Steve Kerbel has been a serious, dedicated candidate, and is a valuable advocate for the principles we share. I sincerely appreciate Steve’s support, and look forward to working with him to achieve our mutual goal: A Libertarian campaign for President that will take full advantage of the historic opportunity 2016 presents.” In announcing his decision, Kerbel said, “I believe that our efforts have advanced the cause of Liberty, and that was my goal in entering this campaign 1 year ago. Kerbel also praised Gov. Gary Johnson as ” the only candidate running for President who can unify the liberty movement.” He further stated that Johnson’s “leadership is what is needed at this important point for our party and for the country.” ![]() (Providence, RI) Nearly 50 people packed a private residence on Babcock Street to discuss the failures of Federal, State and Local government and the resulting ill effects on “ordinary citizens” in Greater Providence and throughout Rhode Island. The heavy attendance in the Washington Park section of Providence on Sunday resulted in a standing room only crowd who shared stories and issues with the group and each other in English and Spanish. Key issues included disrespect from elected officials, the disrespect and uncaring attitude from city and state administrators, unfairness at the DMV to ordinary citizens, the unfair and greedy rigged Providence car tax system, discrimination issues with existing and proposed ordinances and more. Among the state legislation and issues specifically cited as corrupt were the “Pine needle and Leaf” bill, the “10 year statute of limitations on outstanding taxes owed Rhode Island” and the “38 Studios Moral Bond Payments.” The hostess, Laura Perez, spoke very briefly praising the large attendance and urging the group to form “a united agenda that would have neighborhoods join together to force those elected officials who currently look down at, or are prejudiced against neighborhood residents to provide fair representation.” No elected officials were present. Among the 49 residents attending were Margarita de Leon, Marilyn Alba Acevedo, Eulogio Acevedo, Fred Disla, Robert Rodriguez, Isidro DeLeon, Esperanza Perayra, Alta Gracia Martinez, Merecedes Lopez, Peter Belleh, Juan Veldez, Nellie Samiel, Victor Toleltirus, Joanna Corcino Aviles, Yncarlys Castro, Arlo Rivas and Kobi Dennis. The next meeting date and location was not set, but residents made it clear that there would be another meeting with more information, more of their friends and neighbors and more defined plans for getting organized. ![]() Providence, RI -- Headlined by two bills (H7515 & H7634) that would impose new collective-bargaining-type mandates on non-union private businesses, the RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity today published a list of the BEST and WORST bills of the 2016 General Assembly session, including legislation that has and has not yet received a floor vote. On a broader level, once again General Assembly lawmakers in 2016 are on track to continue a multi-year, negative trend of public policy that will reduce economic justice for Rhode Islanders. This according to the 2016 General Assembly Freedom Index, an interactive, live tool published by the nonpartisan RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity. Although not all 2016 bills have received final ratings, the few positive pieces of legislation are massively outweighed by the much greater number of negative bills, resulting in a net negative impact, as has occurred in prior years. Lawmakers and the public are encouraged to visit the "Legislation" tab on the 2016 Freedom Index to determine the bill rankings for the majority of bills that have been rated, but not yet voted on. The "Summary" tab displays individual lawmaker scores. As of March 4, among the 136 bills that are preliminary listed on the Index, and with only a minority of bills receiving votes, early results in the 2016 session include:
Additional resources are available on the main RI Freedom Index page, including a number of online and interactive tools and information for users, with links to scores from prior years:
About the Center The nonpartisan RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity is Rhode Island's premiere free-enterprise research and advocacy organization. The nonprofit Center is funded entirely by private tax-deductible donations and never accepts public funding. The mission of the 501-C-3 organization is to return government to the people by opposing special-interest politics and advancing proven free-market solutions that can transform lives by restoring economic competitiveness, increasing educational opportunities, and protecting individual freedoms. ![]() RI Free Radio: How did you become a Libertarian? Mr. Kerbel: I first knew about the Libertarian Party in 1980, which was my first election that I was legal to vote. I picked Ed Clark, so I suppose that I have been a Libertarian all my adult life, since I never have been a member of any other political party. As the years went by, and I saw not only the political environment in our nation, but the attacks from government against our personal liberties and small business, it only solidified my Libertarian views. RI Free Radio: Are there any Libertarian principles you are particularly interested in? Mr. Kerbel: While the LP platform as a whole makes a great deal of sense to me, the principle of self ownership is the one that strikes me the most. Our nation was conceived in Liberty, and to attempt to legislate others with regard to the personal choices that they make is a gross violation of the first amendment in many cases. We are born with the freedom to live our chosen lives in peace, and we need to fight w! ith all our might the actions of those who want to take away this freedom. RI Free Radio: Do you have plans to grow and/or improve the Libertarian Party? Mr. Kerbel: I absolutely do plan to grow the party. As a candidate for President of the United States, I have already brought in many people to the movement. I also recently accepted the position as Chair of the Libertarian Party of El Paso County Colorado, so my intent is to grow the Liberty movement at all levels. RI Free Radio: Are there any "pet" issues that you are particularly interested in? Mr. Kerbel: My pet issues revolve around individual liberty and its connection to peace in our world. Governments take away liberties. Governments desire and fight wars. The more that government is removed from the personal lives of the people, the better lives we will all live and the less enemies we create. RI Free Radio: What can be done to improve the current economic situation? Mr. Kerbel: In my opinion, government regulation, excessive lawsuits, and high tax rates have harmed our economy significantly. If regulation were reduced or eliminated, it would allow small business to compete and thrive. If there was! a punishment for bringing fraudulent lawsuits, there would be less lawsuits and therefore a more productive economy with more beneficial risk taking. If personal and corporate income tax were removed and replaced with a less punitive system with far lower expenses to pay, the economy would be flooded with capital and the economic situation of many more people would be very strong. Government is the drain to our economic system and needs to be reduced to levels promulgated by the constitution. RI Free Radio: What is your thoughts on monetary policy? Should be Fed be abolished? Mr. Kerbel: The Fed needs to be abolished due to the inherent corruption within it. Profit taking from hundreds of millions of Americans for the benefit of a few investors is not only wrong, the institution enslaves us all with an ever increasing debt and the ultimate control over our interest rates and hence housing prices, access to capital, and the complete battering of any semblance of a free market. For more information on the Kerbel Campaign go to: stevekerbel2016.com Note: The 2016 Libertarian Party National Presidential Nominating Convention will be held over Memorial day weekend in Orlando, FL. Be sure to frequent this blog for more candidate interviews. |
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